2020年1月27日 星期一

Perludio in E by M. Ponce

I have played this tune 15 years ago, and
I remember that I can play this tune smoothly,
if not flawlessly.

But some how I missed the tune simply not played
for a while, I became unable to keep this tune
in my playing list, and things get even worse, I
no longer have this tune any more.

Recently I try to restore this tune, I thought It
might be easy because I already familiar with
the tune and the Sequence of the tune, I was
wrong! It is even harder than 15 years ago, and
there is no privilege for former player.

The song was a wonderful piece, in less than
3 minutes time, the song keep promoting the
motivation higher and higher, until it fell back to
E major chord, and resolved at the end.

The phrasing is more than logical and reasonable,
one by one and the content is full of meaningness
and joyfulness,one of my favorite versions is the
one that played by Marcelo Kayath, a Brazilian
guitarist at my age.

The speed is fast, so to get through the whole piece
without flaws is almost impossible, so when this
piece is being practiced, one should find the best
fingering as reasonable as possible, it helps to
remember the song easier and to play as fluently
as possible.

Now I am still on the half way, so I can only find a
film to demonstrate this beautiful piece.




這是我的一位友人建議的,剛聽到時,有點讓我丈二金剛摸不著頭。不看譜,那麼依據什麼?當然他說這句話是有些道理的,而所謂的譜,是任何安定你的心神的書面資料,皆謂之譜。 所有的人開始彈琴,倚賴樂譜,曲譜,五線譜,六線譜,然後演奏出供人聆聽的音樂,所以不管任何人,都在加強手眼協調,而把應...