2019年7月30日 星期二

What can you do with your PCM-D10

I bought a PCM-D10 because I had
 been looking for one, PCM-D1 is very
expansive, and PCM-D100 also, until
now the out coming of D10, I can say
it is effortless to buy one, but I think there
might be clue for why I do so.

The first time of recording began with my
father, he bought a Sony recorder back
home one day when I was still 4 or 5 and
my little brother was just a baby, we sure
have lots of fun playing this magical
machine,and more fun when we replay it,
even as the time goes by.

As people know that I am an amateur
singer and often I have to sharpen my
singing skill and voice, I have to say that
a recorder is the crudest audience in
the world, so If you had been trained by
a recorder, your singing skill can be trusted.

My early days another Sony recorder keep
me up to the level, but,  ever since it was
stolen right from my house, I hardly had any
idea to find an alternative or replacement of it.

Sunday morning I will start to listen to music
till noon time, go out to buy some shrimp to
feed my fish, then I start recording my own
singing in the afternoon till the dawn came
When my voice is better.

At night I could rewind my tape to hear my
own recordings, since the equipment is very
premature I cannot do any editing, and of
course I don't even know sound editing is
available, so I can only go for perfection with

The day from I bought the recorder till the day
I lost it could be just 2 years, so I practice
that way for about that long, of course this
precious time I also learn how to relax.

PCM-D10 is way better that anything I had
I can even hear the slightest click, but I hear
what I need to correct my voice to be a better
singer, though I really don't need to get there.



在日本旅行,使用的是當地租車公司的導航裝置,他有一個特殊的功能,就是只要有市話的電話號碼,就可以找到地點的座標,啟動導航,以一個外國人來說,這意味著最精簡的訊息傳遞,電話號碼真的應該這麼用嗎?會有壞處嗎?比如說被仇家追殺之類的。 想太多!不過這確實是日本人,或是任何思考細膩的文明...