2019年7月11日 星期四

This old guitar by John Denver


This Old Guitar

This old guitar taught me to sing a love song,
it showed me how to laugh and how to cry.
It introduced me to some friends of mine and brightened up some days.
It helped me make it through some lonely nights.
What a friend to have on a cold and lonely night

This old guitar gave me my lovely lady, it opened up her eyes and ears to me.
it brought us close together and I guess it broke her heart,
it opened up the space for us to be, what a lovely place and a lovely space to be.

This old guitar gave me my life my living all the things you know I love to do
To serenade the stars that shine from a sunny mountainside,
and most of all, to sing my songs for you, I love to sing my songs for you,
yes I do, you know, I love to sing my songs for you.




在日本旅行,使用的是當地租車公司的導航裝置,他有一個特殊的功能,就是只要有市話的電話號碼,就可以找到地點的座標,啟動導航,以一個外國人來說,這意味著最精簡的訊息傳遞,電話號碼真的應該這麼用嗎?會有壞處嗎?比如說被仇家追殺之類的。 想太多!不過這確實是日本人,或是任何思考細膩的文明...